Get a Feel for Felt in February

Our February 27, 2017 monthly meeting will begin at 9:30 am. with our business meeting and Guild Show & Share (all projects are welcome, but especially please bring your felted projects). The program this month explores needle felting and wet felting.

SPECIAL CLASS OFFERINGS THIS MONTH! HANDS-ON LEARNING You can do some needle OR wet felting techniques in an optional class offered 1-3 pm. following our meeting.

Bring your lunch. Stay on after the regular monthly meeting and try something new. Continue reading “Get a Feel for Felt in February”


Weaving with 100% alpaca yarn on a rigid heddle small loom. The weaving technique shows finger manipulated clasped weft and Brook’s Bouquet (window pane) on the white and blue scarf and Brook’s Bouquet on the natural fawn color and white scarf.

The third scarf was created with the “Nuno Felting” technique of felting wool on a silk scarf.